I just love when parents start researching and planning for the cake smash and family photo session in advance! First of all, it gives me plenty time to create the desired look and set up in my mind ; Secondly , it gives me enough time to place an order for the cake and decorations; and last, if any problems, we still have enough time to reschedule and still get some printed portraits for the actual birthday party to display!
And yes, you will be surprised how many calls I do get sounding like that:
-We would like to book a cake smash session for our baby!
- When are you looking to get those done?
Sorry, but it doesn't work this way! At least it doesn't work this way with me....

Mom and dad asked for a BOHO styled cake smash photo session

Luna had soooo much fun playing in a bath tub!

Baby Luna / Cake Smash / Indianapolis / Tatiana Kahl Photography