Throughout the history of humanity we have been facing infectious diseases of different levels and, unfortunately, even in this modern era, outbreaks have happened, but not every outbreak reached the level as COVID-19 has. This pandemic did impact not only the USA but the entire world.
Like many of us, expecting moms have concerns when it comes to safety of their newborn babies and doubts if they should schedule or should they skip the first portraits of their new babies.
Safety of my own family is extremely important to me as much as safety of my little clients,
and unlike most commercial photo studios, we do take extra precautions by limiting visitors, for safety of my own family in the first place, plus daily standard cleaning procedures and extra measures in disinfecting to keep my Indianapolis Photo Studio safe and clean. We also limited the number of newborn sessions to make sure we have enough time to sanitize floors with medical degree cleaners.

Remember, when you enter my photo studio you also enter my "second home", for those reasons, we added some extra COVID-19 Safety Precautions & Updated Photo Studio Policies / Indianapolis:
You will be asked to wash and sanitize your hands upon arrival
You will be asked to remove your shoes at the door
Parents and sibling only (No grandparents or other family members are allowed)
If you feel the need to cough, please do so into one of the tissues provided
Face masks are not necessary, but available at the studio for you to use upon request
I will be wearing a mask during newborn sessions and frequently use a hand sanitizer
If you or your family have been in contact with anyone with a cough, fever or feel unwell (even mildly) before your session, please contact me as soon as possible to reschedule. I understand this may be inconvenient, but it is important that we do not allow a virus into the studio at this time due to the vulnerable condition of my other clients and my family.
If I am (or anyone in my household) becomes unwell or comes into contact with anyone experiencing symptoms, you will be notified immediately and we can reschedule for a better time.
If you have any concerns or would like to chat further about booking a session ,
please email to
COVID-19 Safety Precautions & Updated Photo Studio Policies / Indianapolis